
Phototherapy for Jaundice in Newborns

Phototherapy is the most common treatment for reducing high bilirubin levels that cause jaundice in a newborn. In the standard form of phototherapy, your baby lies in a bassinet or enclosed plastic crib (incubator) and is exposed to a type of fluorescent light that is absorbed by your baby's skin. During [...]


Preterm Infants Born at less than 31 weeks’ Gestation have Improved Growth in Cycled Light Compared with Continuous near Darkness

OBJECTIVES: Our purpose was to evaluate the benefits of cycled light (CL) versus near darkness (ND) on health in preterm infants born at <31 weeks' gestational age. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized, interventional study comparing infants receiving (1) CL from birth, (2) CL at 32 weeks' postconceptional age (PCA), and (3) CL at [...]

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